使徒工作 Apostolic Work
聖鮑思高慈幼協進會服務基金 |
本基金的宗旨是在於鼓勵慈幼大家庭成員發揚鮑聖精神,資助培育青少年的活動,尤其以愛的行動,協助有困難的家庭(單親家庭)及缺乏照顧的青少年。 |
網址:即將更新 |
鮑思高研習中心 Don Bosco Learning Centre |
Don Bosco Learning Centre was opened on 17 September 1991, with aim at fulfilling Don Bosco’s mission of caring the youth, through the service of providing assistance to their studies and growth. The goal is to enable the youth in developing multiple-intelligence and cultivating positive attitude through diversified activities to accomplish healthy and happy growth. |
https://scc.org.hk/DBLC/src/index.html |